With piles of dirt, open trenches, stacks of materials, and heavy equipment surrounding the school ...
… It’s no wonder this the number one question on everyone’s mind!
⇒ The short answer is no, it won’t be *quite* ready by the first day of school, Sept. 9th! The completion date is delayed by one week.
And the long answer includes the following details:
⇒ The Phase 1 timeline was very tight to begin with: less than three months to completely remodel the entire original school house. The start of school was pushed back by one week to accommodate the aggressive schedule.

⇒ The Camp Sherman Community Association is graciously lending us the use of the Hall during this time. BBS staff are grateful to have this teaching space available for our students.

⇒ PHASE 1 of construction was to be completed by student's first day on Sept. 9th, while PHASE 2 continues until Spring. Because of this, the school will not look "finished" even when Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 includes the new addition and MPR remodel.

⇒ In spite of some big unforeseen obstacles during Phase 1, it's remarkable the delay is as short as it is! The crew has been working early mornings and extra hours.

Aug - Sept 2024
⇒ Casework nearly complete (cubbies, shelves, counters)
⇒ Sinks installed in classrooms
⇒ Interior paint (including chalkboard paint!) done
⇒ Toilet installed in K/1 Bathroom
⇒ Phase 1 roofing nearly complete
⇒ Doors & windows delivered with installation scheduled this week and next
⇒ Phase 2 framing of new classroom begins mid-Sept
⇒ Final cleaning scheduled for next week and BBS staff can begin moving in!

Board Chair Bear Brown shows off the new mini toilet, perfectly sized for our youngest students!

Look up! Once the ceiling panels go on, most of us will never think about the very important utilities concealed up there

Brand new well head with electrical heating: major upgrade from the extension cord + heating coils we used to run during freezing temps

Infiltration trench on east side of property will capture storm water and redirect away from the building, and also prevent flow to Summerlane neighbors

Digging of electrical trench from school to transformer is monitored by Archeologist Jon Krier (right)

Jon holds an obsidian flake found at this site, which may end up at the U of O Museum of Natural & Cultural History