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Hello Families!

From Ms. Steele:

  • Bebop (2nd/3rd) math class: Hey folks, Bebop math has been so much fun lately.  We are learning many strategies for multiplying and some of us are even starting to get some of the multiplication chart memorized.  We are using more musical and physical ways to learn it (fun things I learned at my math conference last week).  Ask your student to show you the strategy of double double for the fours.  Or for the 3’s, right over left, left over right, whisper whisper, shout (elephant trunk).  Ciao, Shawn 
  • Hodag (4th-8th) math: Hey Folks, A quick update on the homework for the week: it has previously been due on Thursdays but this week it is due on Friday.  Also, next Monday is a quiz on the divisibility rules.  We took a practice quiz today so everyone knows what they need to study.  We attempted a game of solitaire today as a warm up.  It led to a great discussion about probability and odds and how much you may win or lose if you play it in Vegas.  Thanks, Ms. Steele

From Ms. Kassie:

  • In K/1 math class, both kinder and 1st grade students are working on addition and subtraction. For Kinder students the idea is to understand that with addition we end with more and with subtraction we end with less. First grade students are working towards understanding the connection between addition and subtraction with number bonds, working towards the skill of counting on to subtract.
  • The K-3 afternoon class has switched from science to Social Studies. The unit we started today is a history unit. In this unit we will think about how cultures celebrate important events differently. We will also think about different perspectives of historical events and people. We started today by thinking about what we remember about the first day of school. That experience was different for each of us and thus we remember it differently (although a lot of us remembered ice cream!). We then looked at pictures of the first day of school from around the world. Ask students about what the first day looked like in different countries and how it was the same or different from our first day. (See photo at top).

From Mr. B:

  • Mr. B’s K/1 literacy class has spent time dissecting stories (such as Minerva Louise at School and The Little Red Hen) and are ramping up to writing their own collaborative Halloween tale. Mr. B hopes to have it ready to share/scare (with musical accompaniment) by the end of the month!
  • Mr. B’s Bebop (2nd/3rd) literacy class has been working with an informational text about fire safety, finding the main idea, and are nearly finished with their individual Halloween tale. 

From Mr. Sharp:

Mid October is always one of the most beautiful times of year in Camp Sherman. We have been enjoying some spectacular fall colors as we move through our school year.

  • The students have been working through the writing process with their first journalism articles. We finished our rough drafts last week and then did peer editing on Monday. Students are finalizing their articles this week and final drafts are due Friday (10/20). The articles look great so far and the students have put some great effort into the writing process.
  • In Humanities class we started our 3rd unit yesterday: Native American history in Oregon. We will spend the next month learning about the tribes of Oregon, their cultures, their history, and how they have shaped our state. On Monday we will have a guest educator from the Warm Spring tribe, Laurie Danzuka, come and talk to the class.
  • In Field Studies we had our final field trip of the fall on Monday. The students visited Seed to Table farm in Sisters. We are wrapping up our unit on water and will be starting a new unit next week on climate and weather.

From Ms. Sharp:

  • In Performing Arts class this week the kids learned what roles they are going to play! Upper graders received their scripts, so they can start learning their lines. We will start rehearsing in November. This week we learned about emotions and how they express in our body and facial expressions. The kids are going to set goals on Thursday and we’ll start to learn about using our voice to develop characters. Look for an email from me about costumes soon!

One thing I try to stress to my students is that learning is a lifelong activity. I am also a student, just like them. Last Friday I got the chance to go to a class on how to teach Oregon tribal history. It was a very informative day where I got to gather with other teachers from around central Oregon learning how to teach this important but challenging topic. Learning is a culture we try to embody as adults at BBS so our students can see that it is not something that only happens when we are young. We keep learning new things for the rest of our lives. What is something you are trying to learn these days? Share that with your child so they can see that we are all learners, whether we are in school or not.

Delaney Sharp

Head Teacher

Thinking Pyramid: team building for Performing Arts!
Thinking Pyramid: team building for Performing Arts!

Students load up on veggies on the Seed To Table field trip

Teachers practiced CPR during First Aid Training this week