Hello Families,
Welcome to the new BBS Blog!
Whole School:
- Field Trip Update: A Smith Rock hike is planned for this Friday, 10/6. The forecast looks great; please make sure students are prepared with extra water and good hiking/walking shoes (NO crocs)!
- Hearing Screening: Darcy Southard, Jefferson County Education Service District Speech Therapist, will be on-site conducting brief hearing screenings on October 12th. She will be conducting these with students who are new to BBS. If you want to have your student screened and they are not a new student, please email Lindsey to schedule. We will communicate results only if there are concerns.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) math students: The Bebop mathematicians are super smart! They have been working on changing numbers from standard form to expanded notation to better understand adding and subtracting with regrouping. And our daily warm ups have been amazing because they always lead us into a deep discussion about some hard math. Today we talked about the volume of a cube!! Oh, and we have been rounding numbers to the nearest tens and hundreds places. Practice that at home please. Thanks!
- The Hodag (4th-8th) math class started working on a unit out of the Connected Math Series. This curriculum is great in making everyone go deep and think about problems in novel ways. It’s all things factors and multiples and abundant numbers and proper factors. We started using a checklist system to help students stay more focused and on task. It’s pretty simple, if you get the checklist of tasks done, you can head out to recess. If not, keep working. I think it is really helping with accountability. Quick reminder that the week’s homework is due tomorrow.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In K/1 math class, the kinders have been working on understanding more and less. We are introducing number lines to help us get a good understanding of number sense and order. This is all working towards addition and subtraction. First grade students have been working on their “10 friends”. These are numbers that when you put them together they make 10. This is an invaluable skill students will use to help them with mental addition and subtraction, as well as develop their understanding of the importance of 10. See pics below!
- In K-3 Science we reviewed what we learned in our field trip, connecting back to life cycles and traits. We will wrap up this unit after our field trip on Friday where we will compare and contrast the rainforest and high-desert and how plants adapt to live in these different ecosystems. Look for work to come home in students’ purple folders about life cycles and traits on Monday.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 literacy class has welcomed autumn with ‘bugg’ stories set in the season, percussion accompaniment to “Crackers & Crumbs”, and some story writing about a large feast prepared by 15 cats. Meow!
- Mr. B’s Bebop (2nd/3rd) literacy class is writing friendly letters, working on the ‘g rule’, and reading plenty of examples of how to use ‘too’ in a sentence.
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
It has been another action packed week. We had an eventful, and hopefully enjoyable, field trip on Friday. We managed to visit four destinations in one day- Duffy Lake trail (where we found the yellow jackets), Hoodoo, Santiam Ski Lodge, and Blue Lake. It was a lot of fun to be out in the mountains with all the kids and they showed a lot of perseverance dealing with the stings and the weather. This Friday will be our final of 3 hikes in 3 weeks as we visit Smith Rock State Park. We will be hiking and learning about the desert ecosystem and adaptations.
- In Humanities class we are continuing to work on our reading and writing habits. We have been reading a book together about Cesar Chavez. We have also begun working on our first journalism article. Students will be selecting their topic and then writing their articles over the next week. Students have also all selected a book for independent reading and have a book report due on that book November 1st. The workload is starting to ramp up for the students so make sure to check in with them and see how they are handling it.
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Performing Arts class will be taking place during the Art Block on Tues/Thurs afternoons, from now till December. For the month of October, we will be focused around building up performance skills, as well as reading through the plays, and casting.

Ms. Steele gets a turn on the nest swing!

Colt & GG at the Black Butte summit