Hello Families,
Read on for news and updates.
Whole School:
- Friday 5/31 Bike to School + Bike Rodeo:
- All students need a bike at school on this day!
- Parents, please make a plan for your students to ride to school, or drop off their bikes at the start of the school day. Thanks to those of you who have communicated if you need help with a bike.
- The Bike Rodeo will include bike fitting, skills course, safety videos, interaction with local law enforcement, and practice building confidence on the bike.
- Monday June 3rd – Seed to Table Field Trip (half day)
- Thursday June 6th – Spring Program: Join us to celebrate the end of year with poetry, awards, and graduation! 6:00pm at the Camp Sherman Community Hall.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Bebop continues to work on their geometry unit. They are finishing up a mini book on a geometry topic and made a flower pot with geometric shapes for the petals. Today we got introduced to the idea of factors as we all worked together to make all the rectangles possible using a certain number of tiles. It was great team work!!
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Hodags also continue on with their geometry unit. We are still trying to keep it hands on for the rest of the year. Tomorrow we will learn about an African village that builds round houses for women and square houses for men. We will build one of each kind of building with the exact same square footage on the floor and see which one uses more material (surface area).
- Health/PE Class: Yesterday both classes had a really fun game of kickball. There were some amazing catches and some spectacular slides. We also brought out the parachute and unsuccessfully tried to get a volleyball over the net. The younger students had to find prizes/toys under the parachute and get back out before they got trapped.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K/1 Math: In K-1 math we have been learning about dividing shapes into equal or unequal parts and learning the mathematical terms (halves, quarters, equal pieces). We have enjoyed thinking about different shaped cakes and making sure we share them fairly!
- K-3 Science/Social Studies: In our weather and climate unit we learned about the water cycle. We have also thought about water conservation during this topic and how to keep the water we have clean and not waste it. We will finish this unit up next week. Look for work to come home on Monday or Wednesday.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s Literacy classes (all): Mr. B and students are ramping up for the end of the year celebration show. Each group has something different to share. Expect cheers and tears!
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Humanities: We are back from our big trip and working on wrapping up our last few tasks in the classroom this week. In Humanities we only have 3 big items to finish up. We are writing our final journalism articles for the year, we will complete one final iReady reading diagnostic, and we are finishing our shared book – “Shooting Kabul.” The students should be done with all 3 of these tasks by next week.
- Field Studies: In Field Study class we are down to our last couple sessions. With the final two weeks full of off site adventures and field trips the end of year trip was really our culminating experience. Their final assignment is to engage in role-play debate about the potential of removing the 4 dams on the lower Snake River.

Lower Grade students had a special baking field trip last week with Ms. Steele and her mom!

Packing up the school! Piano is moving to the Bus Barn

Teachers are packing up the school in preparation for construction to begin