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Hello Families,

Read on for news and updates.

Whole School:

  • The Jog-a-Thon was a huge success! See a full recap with photos and pie video here.
    • Students please collect remaining pledges and return to school by Wed 5/22 (put in envelope labeled Jogathon & your name).
    • PTO is working on sending invoices to donors this week.
  • Hodag students: return your permission slip for the end of year trip!
  • Bike Rodeo May 31st: Please let us know if you will need a bike that day. We will make sure every student has bike to participate. Bike to School Day for Camp Sherman students!

From Ms. Steele:

  • Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Bebop math students are working on geometry concepts.  There have been many hands-on opportunities in class, from working with the geoboards to completing patterns with shapes to make a “cloak”.  We continue to add a few vocabulary words each day to our A to Z geometry book.
  • Hodag (4th-8th) Math: The Hodag students have been working on classifying 2-dimensional shapes from the general (quadrilateral) to the most specific (square).  They also had a great time building 3-dimensional shapes using rolled up newspaper.  Gavin and Arlo’s hexagonal prism actually stood up for a while (it was as tall as them).
  • Health/PE Class: In PE both age groups are working on balancing how to have fun while keeping their peers physically and emotionally safe!  Everyone has been doing really well with this.  It’s hard sometimes when you want to be competitive during a game, but also be supportive of your team and others.  

From Ms. Kassie:

  • K/1 Math class: Both kindergarten and first grade students have been working on coming up with attributes to describe shapes. They are using vocabulary words like angle, line, edge, corner. Look for shapes around you and ask students to describe them!
  • K-3 Science/Social Studies: In our weather and climate unit students learned about climates around the world. We have started to understand why it is warm year round in some places and why others have 4 different seasons. Help students observe spring weather patterns. 

From Mr. B:

  • Mr. B’s K/1 Literacy: K/1 Literacy have been using the story A Stone Sat Still to generate words for their decoding work. They are also reading a silly story about a lady named Wilma who has a cat, rat, and bat.
  • Bebop Literacy: Bebop Literacy are nearing the end of their poetry journals (more than dozen poems created!) and will begin to recite a favorite. They are also working on an advanced decoding screener.
  • Art Literacy:  The K/1 & Bebop crews are beginning to add percussion to their haikus about rivers. The Hodag group are working on turning a Carl Sandburg poem into a comic strip.

From Mr. Sharp:

  • Humanities class: Most of the students were able to finish state testing last week and we were able to get back to our class routines in Humanities. We have started a new, and final, unit on Oregon history last week. Students are studying Oregon’s demographics with maps and charts. Then we will be looking at the state’s history of laws and policies that have influenced who settled and stayed in Oregon.  We are also still working through our shared reading of Shooting Kabul.
  • Field Studies: In Field Study class we are gearing up for our big trip next week. We have been studying dams and salmon with a focus on some of the locations we will visit. These include Bonneville Dam, the removal of the dam on the White Salmon, and the history of fishing at places like Celilo Falls.
    Nest swing is still a favorite feature!
    Fishing pond excursion
    Students loved building in Ms. Steele's math class
    Creating 3D shapes with rolled up newspaper
    Gavin & Arlo's hexagonal prism
    Bringing math to life!
    Ms. Kassie's math class
    Working on climate maps