Hello Families,
Read on for news and updates.
Whole School:
- Does your student have a library card with the Sisters Library? If not, please sign them up at this Jefferson Co. link (Camp Sherman residents) or at this Deschutes Co. link (Sisters residents). Parents need to be registered first. A field trip to Sisters Library is on June 11th and we’d like to have students get cards by then. Call the Sisters Library with questions 541-312-1070, OR contact Molly for help. (Jeff Co. cards can be used at Deschutes Co. libraries).
- Parents of K-3: Plan ahead for no bus service May 20-24. Gary (and the bus!) will be gone that week for the Upper Grade Oregon Road Trip.
- Order your yearbook! Use this link to create your account, add custom pages (due 5/14) and purchase with Treering. All BBS students will receive a yearbook.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Bebop completed some pretty challenging math on Monday to figure how to fairly cut the two pans of brownies for Mr B and Miss Kassie’s birthdays. We even had to break out the calculators and use the square root button. Please keep pushing the kids to learn their multiplication facts at home.
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Hodag math class has been working on long division (5th grade) and percent proportions (6th and 8th grade). As we are always trying to bring useful, functional math into class, the students enlarged a picture of me running the 400 in 8th grade. Our calculations were pretty accurate when compared to the photocopier. What is 200% of a 5 by 3.5 inch picture. Well done!
- Health/PE Class: In PE we are still cruising along getting in better shape. Enjoying jogging along the trails around school or around our jogathon track. We have incorporated using the storage container into PE by throwing balls back and forth over it, attempting to find your partner. Keep fingers crossed that we get some warmer weather.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K/1 Math class: Students are working with shapes, breaking them apart and putting them together with both solid and flat shapes. Students have been enjoying using tangrams to solve puzzles. First grade students are working on adding double digit numbers and learning the basics of regrouping.
- K-3 Science/Social Studies: We wrapped up our Equity and Justice unit. We are starting our weather and climate unit. In this unit students will learn the difference between weather and climate, plus understand how we predict weather.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 Literacy: K/1 Literacy is working on onomatopoeia within their poetry, writing, spelling and decoding. BOOM!
- Bebop Literacy: Bebop Literacy is finalizing several poems for their poetry journal. They are up to eight original poems!
- Art Literacy: Hodag Art Literacy just started a ‘paint chip’ poetry draft. K/1 & Bebop are finishing a group ‘color’ poem. Each class will begin practicing a set of poems to perform later this spring.
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Humanities class: We finished up our poetry unit on Monday with another visit from Beth Wood. Students read their original poems out loud to our class and the K/1 students. It was fun to witness their creativity in action. The rest of this week we don’t have Humanities class as we are doing state testing in the morning.
- Field Studies: In Field Study class we are wrapped up our microbiology unit. Students spent the past week studying the parts of a cell as well as their function. On Friday we will start our final unit in Field Studies where we will learn about dams and their impact on salmon, humans, and the environment. With so many activities coming up the final 6 weeks of school we don’t have much time left in Field Studies.

Happy Birthday to Ms. Kassie (4/30) ...

... AND Happy Birthday to Mr. B (4/27)!

Sun today, maybe snow tomorrow?

Storage unit has landed at BBS, time to clean out the school!