School pictures went well yesterday and all students and staff were present with their smiles!
Here is our Classroom Update for Week 3.
Whole School:
- The upper grade students have been matched up with lower grade students in a mentor/mentee program. The “buddies” pair up every Monday during quiet study, on field trips and more. Ask your student about their buddy and see pics below!
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In K/1 Math we have been reading Have You Seen My Dragon? during snack time. It is a sweet book that involves counting. This week and next students will be making their own page. Look for it to come home in their purple folders next week.
- Kinders are working on writing tidy numbers focusing on 0-5 for the next week or so. This is slow work, which also includes pencil grip and counting, but important foundation work.
- First grade students will be thinking about how addition and subtraction change numbers. We will spend the next week or two honing the skill of counting on for addition. Help them by doing addition problems around you!
- In K-3rd Science we are adding onto what we have learned about life cycles and traits by thinking about adaptations. We have learned about selection and how our fruits have been selected for specific traits like sweetness, size, or color. Ask your students, “How much do the biggest pumpkins weigh?” (Clue- It is the same as a small baby animal, but which one?).
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- B’s K/1 Literacy group is in the thick of frog jump capitals, beginning/ending sounds with three letter words, Mother Goose rhymes with percussion, and read-alouds about towns and neighborhoods.
- B’s Bebop (2nd/3rd) Literacy group has been working on digraphs (wh, sh, ch, th), summary writing, and just started a book about a Badger who does important rock work!
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) math students have been very patient with me as I have recovered from illness. Now that I am back, we did indeed start working on multiplication. We played a fun game called circles and stars. I know everyone is anxious to start memorizing the multiplication facts tables, but let’s hold off on that until we all get a strong understanding of what multiplication is. Try to work into the conversation at dinner: “equal groups of.” For example, 6 times 5, you could say 6 friends each have equal groups of 10 pieces of candy!!
- The 4th through 8th grade (now Hodags!) Math class have been working together in the grade groups on various topics. Anything from the volume of a rectangular prism to multiplying and dividing fractions to algebraic expressions. The 6th grade students started the i-Ready diagnostic assessment. We have also been discussing our classroom norms and how we want our class to look and feel as we all learn math.
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
Hello 4th-8th grade families. Our group has settled on a new name for the year: we are now officially called the “Hodags!” This past week has been a bit disjointed for the group with substitutes covering illnesses and I have been busy hiring architects and contractors to work on our school redesign/remodel. The students have weathered those challenges and hopefully now we are getting back to a more consistent routine.
- Humanities class has been developing a tourism campaign for the 7 regions of Oregon. This has been a fun way to learn geography while incorporating art, writing, and research. They presented their campaigns today (Wednesday). They have their first chance at the Oregon geography quiz tomorrow (Thursday). They have study guides that should be in their green folder to study. Good luck students!
- In Field Studies class, students have been learning more about water and some of the living and non-living things that call the water home. All students walked to Spring Creek last Friday and explored macroinvertebrates. We have our first hike this Friday when we will attempt to conquer Black Butte. This is a fun tradition that always provides some healthy challenge and fun conversation, not to mention the views!
- Next week we will begin exploring our library and selecting some books we want to read this year. Students will be selecting a book to read independently that they will then complete a book report on next month.