Hello Families,
Read on for news and updates.
Whole School:
- The 2024 -2025 Academic Calendar has been set for next school year. Click on the link and note the start date of school is September 9th (allowing extra time for construction this summer) and Spring Break is one week.
- Swim Program ends on Friday. Photo credit to Gary for the photo above!
- BBS Jog-a-thon is planned for May 10th. Students will receive a t-shirt with this event, please email Molly by April 12th with your kid’s preferred size.
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Bebop mathematicians played two games today. One was called “Get to 1000” and the other was “Fraction Uncover.” They were both really fun games and I heard some amazing math discussions happening as the students disagreed on strategies and what makes fractions equivalent. It is always better to construct our own learning. Well done, Bebop!
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Everyone in the Hodag math class has a test this Friday. Test taking can be challenging for some and easy for others. We are taking some time to learn good test taking strategies. It is important to slow down and show your math work. Not many middle schoolers want to do that. So we are practicing!!
- Health/PE Class: Swim Program continues this week. Students are doing great!
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K/1 Math class: Kindergarten students are focusing on different methods to help them subtract up to 10. This includes making their own story problems. Ask them to use some objects around the house to show a subtraction story problem. First grade students are diving into place value working with tens and ones. Have them tell you what a number is based on how many tens it has and ones it has. (27=2 tens and 7 ones= 1 tens and 17 ones= 27 ones). Students are also bringing home the goal sheets from their winter goals that they have reached. Look for these in their purple folders this week and next.
- K-3 Social Science: In our Equity and Justice unit students have learned about different groups of people that have been treated unfairly in the past and today. We wondered why this might happen. We worked towards some different conclusions. One was, when people value money, power, or are greedy, they choose to not take care of other people around them. Another was when people have different perspectives they may not respect others’ choices. One more was when people don’t understand other people who are different from them, sometimes they are scared or worried and then don’t treat people fairly. We will explore these ideas more and learn about people who have persevered through these obstacles to make the world a better place for all.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 & Bebop Literacy: Both K/1 and Bebop Literacy started their poetry units this week. We have emphasized beat (helps with syllable count) and how to generate rhymes. So far, they’ve created ‘Animal Snapper-Clappers’ (ask for a demonstration!) and brainstormed an ‘Add-a-word Poem’. These poems will end up in a poetry journal to bring home at the end of the school year! Recordings and examples NEXT WEEK!
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Humanities class: The Hodags spent this past week of Humanities class mostly working with a poem by Rita Dove titled “Sunday Night at Grandfather’s.” They are now working on writing a text based claim where they have to explain the message of the poem as they see it. Our writing confidence and skills continue to develop as this group works through these writing tasks.
- Field Studies: The class learned more about human cells this past week. They have done activities and readings on topics like cell parts, cell functions, how cells grow and reproduce, and how they form tissues and organs. Tomorrow we will shift into a focus on chromosomes and genes to gain a better understanding of cell biology.

Bonus post-lesson hot tub

Too cold to forget a jacket!

"Ed is the best teacher!"

Recess Fun