Hello Families,
Welcome back from Spring Break and into the final third of our 2023/2024 school year!
Whole School:
- Welcome to new student Lucca! Lucca is in 2nd grade and joining the Bebop group.
- Swim Program continues through next week. Thanks everyone for your flexibility with the schedule modifications. Photo credit to Gary for the photo above!
- The April Bulletin will be sent out this week. Look for news on upcoming events at BBS like the Jog-a-thon and Bike Swap!
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: In Bebop math this week we have been reviewing place value and rounding, a concept we haven’t really focused on since the beginning of the year. Tomorrow we are going to make our own set of fraction pieces. Maybe we can even figure out a way to have 7ths and 9ths.
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Today in math class the students wrote poetry. April is National Poetry Month and the students are studying poetry with Mr. Sharp, so we decided to combine poetry and ratios. Everyone wrote a poem that had certain ratio requirements. It was a fun day.
- Health Class: We finished our health units the week before spring break and are moving on to PE. After we finish swimming (part of our PE program) we will head back outdoors for conditioning for the Jog-a-thon!
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- K/1 Math class: Kindergarten students are working on understanding the connection between addition and subtraction by working with numbers 8 and 9. First grade students are learning about true and false equations and how to make number sentences equal.
- K-3 Science: We wrapped up our fossils unit on Tuesday. Students brought home their work in their purple folders. Be sure to look at all they learned. Today we are starting a social studies unit about equity and justice. Students will be working on understanding when people have not been treated fairly and what can be done about it. We will read the book We Want to Go to School – The Fight for Disability Rights. Ask students what they learned about people not being treated fairly, and what was done about it.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s K/1 Literacy: Students are gearing up for a poetry unit and reading books about a red jacket and a big panda and his new friend, little dragon. Students are also getting plenty of writing practice!
- Mr. B’s Bebop Literacy: Bebop Literacy is reviewing contractions, practicing writing steps for recipes and will start several poetry projects. They are also typing their personal narratives from last month.
- Keep scrolling to listen to the K/1 jump rope ryhme, As I Went Walking.
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
We got right back into our school routines this week at BBS. We have had all the students here which makes for a great start to spring.
- Humanities class: We are celebrating April being Poetry Month with a unit titled “How Poems are Built.” Students are studying poems from various authors and mimicking some of their styles to create their own original poems. We also began a shared reading of the novel “Shooting Kabul” which we will read in class this month.
- Field Studies: We are continuing our microbiology unit. This week we examined plant and animal cells under the microscopes and are learning about the parts and functions of cells. Ask your student about the difference between a plant cell and animal cell.
As I Went Walking

New student Lucca on the nest swing

K/1 Literacy Class

Jumping into the Swim Program!

Push Pin Poetry

Hodag Math Class