Hello Families,
We’re in the final two weeks of the term! If you’re curious about the progress on our Bond Project, read this blog post and come to the Community Meeting next week on Dec. 12th.
Whole School:
- “Community in Winter” Performance is tomorrow! 12/7 at 6:00pm. Students need to arrive at 5:30pm. More details from Jennie below.
- NO SCHOOL on Friday 12/8.
- Bond Update Community Meeting next Tuesday 12/12 at 5:00pm.
- Pajama Day next Friday 12/15!
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In K/1 Math class, we have been working on our portfolios as we review what we have learned this year. Our portfolios are ways for students to show what they know about some of our main topics we have covered. Students will create 10-15 pages throughout the year and bring them home at the end of year. See picture below.
- K-3 Social Studies: In our economy and marketing social studies unit, we thought about different ways we choose to spend our money. First we looked at commercials and advertisements with critical eyes to see what companies are trying to get students to buy (toys and junk food). We also did some money play to understand how buying local has a positive impact on our communities. Ask students where they would like to shop and why.
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Mr. B’s baker’s dozen of literacy kiddos have been working hard on lines and staging cues from their play and singing with cheer. Next week, Mr. B plans on giving several assessments before winter break.
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
We are nearing the end of our fall term and the Hodags are working hard on some cumulative assignments this week.
- Humanities class: We finished our novel M.C. Higgins the Great last week. Now the class is working on doing interpretive writing about some of the deeper themes in the story. This is high level thinking and is challenging the students to dive deeper into the novel. They will produce 3 pieces of interpretive writing in class by the end of the term as a final task. Attendance will be really important next week for them to be successful.
- Field Study class: We are using our new weather station in Field Study class to explore climate and weather. This past week the students have designed their own simple science experiments to do using the weather data. We are using this assignment to learn more about weather but also to explore the Scientific Method. We have been discussing how to use science to answer questions about the natural world. Next week we will take a look at the data we collected and analyze it to test our hypotheses.
- Between these two classes the Hodags have a big week ahead of them. They are wrapping up the term with some challenging writing assignments and conducting a science experiment that they have designed. This will be our final big academic push before a nice break at the end of the month.
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Performing Arts class: Please read this email sent last week for important details! Show begins at 6:00pm; students need to arrive at 5:30pm.
- Dessert Potluck after the show; please bring a treat to share.
- After the potluck and celebration, we would like students to be a part of the striking of the show. Each student has been assigned a clean up job that will be supervised by a BBS staff member. Here is a document with more information about clean up jobs and how we hope the process will unfold. This will be posted in the Hall after the show.

Students are working hard at rehearsals this week

The Holiday Bazaar was big success! Thanks to the students for making and sharing their beautiful art and to all the parents who helped support the projects.

The finished ornaments were a big seller at the Holiday Bazaar!

First snowy recess!