Hello Families! Read on for news and reminders.
Whole School:
- Costumes are due at school this Friday 11/17
- Students need to have their lines memorized by Friday 11/17
- We will make Stone Soup on Friday 11/17. The story of Stone Soup is based around the magic of people coming together to share the little they have to make a delicious meal. In the tradition, we invite you to send something small to contribute to the soup. We still need the following items; these can be brought to school tomorrow (Thurs 11/16):
- Veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, celery, potatoes…)
- Can of crushed tomatoes
- Nutritional yeast
From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Bebop has moved on to adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers, leaving rounding in the rearview. But feel free to continue to work with your students on rounding and estimating at home. Bebop has been trying to get the fours’ really stuck in our heads: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 … We made a study tool for it (will send that home next week) and played some bingo with the multiples of four!! We also started an art project and will finish it after the break. Everyone was so focused and handled using a ruler magnificently. We had to draw and color a lot of parallel lines. Oh, and they had to be oblique (diagonal) too.
- Hodag (4th-8th) Math: Hodag math is going well this week. A few students have checked in with me regarding their homework. That shows some great responsibility. We watched the movie on Monday and that was super fun. The movie had a positive message about perseverance, one of our school’s habits of work. We also worked on an art project today. There was lots of practice using a ruler. We will finish the project when we return from the break. On Friday we are testing our knowledge of the words factors, prime numbers, composite numbers, factor pairs, multiplies, square numbers, least common multiple and the greatest common factor. Ask your student to explain these words to you.
From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In K/1 Math class, kinder students are working with 10 frames to understand how to compose and decompose the number 10. This is working towards addition and subtraction with numbers 0-10 and towards understanding teen numbers. First grade is working on word problems and using addition or subtraction to find the missing number.
- In K-3 Social Studies, we are wrapping up our history unit. Students have spent time trying to understand different perspectives and how that changes the way we view the past, or celebrate. Look for some work from this unit to come home on Friday.
- Have a safe and restful break. Remember to play with numbers, read, and think about others’ perspectives over the next week 🙂
From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- In Mr. B’s K/1 literacy class, students are excited for round two of sight word bingo. They have been working hard on building three-letter words with short vowels ‘e’ and ‘u’. Mr. B is also reading a wonderful story about a lion who wanders a small town in France. ROAR!
- In Mr. B’s Bebop (2nd/3rd) literacy class, the spelling game Quiddler has been a real catch! Students are working on a writing assignment called “BE THE THING”. It involves writing from the perspective of a turkey on Thanksgiving day…hopefully making it to November 24th!
- Mr. B and Molly worked with all students on a holiday bazaar craft. Students used their prior color study work from September to create a one of a kind composition!
From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- Our Humanities class class wrapped up our unit on the history of Native Americans in Oregon this past week. We covered a lot of ground on this topic but it still feels like we just scratched the surface. It is a rich history but hopefully all the students walked away with a more well-rounded understanding of the history of Oregon. We will build off this foundation throughout the year as we learn more about the history of other groups who have moved to Oregon over the past 150 years.
- On Tuesday we began reading the novel M.C. Higgins the Great, by Virginia Hamilton. The novel is part of our class curriculum and will be doing most of the reading in class. The students will be required to do some independent reading at home over Thanksgiving break; please help your child remember to do this so they come back ready to finish the book when we return in late November. We will then finish the fall term in December by doing some interpretive work and writing about the novel.
- We have used our Field Study time this week to continue work on the art projects for the Holiday Bazaar. We will get back to our Weather and Climate unit after break when we will start using our brand new weather station. The students will use the data from the weather station to design and implement their own science experiments.
- Have a great break everyone!
From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us
- This week in Performing Arts class, the kids are working hard to learn the blocking for their scenes. Blocking is where actors stand on stage and what movements they make across it. They are applying what they learned about movement earlier in the class to their characters. It’s been fun to see them bring their characters to life! Please remember to work on the script with your kiddos, so they have their lines memorized by this Friday. The following link provides a tool for your kids to use as they learn their lines: voice recordings of the scripts. Also due on Friday are costumes! Please email Ms Jennie at jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us if you need help with the costumes.

Upper grade students paint glaze onto the clay ornaments