Staff Profile
Bus Driver Gary Gray

About Gary
Gary grew up in upstate New York spending most of his free time playing Lacrosse. He received a BA at NYU in Art History, living and working in NYC until he grew tired of the city and looked for the opposite experience.
He found it when he moved to Laramie, WY for his MBA and met his wife rock climbing at Vedauwoo. Together they have lived in Colorado, Wyoming, Japan, in the back of a truck on the road while climbing, San Diego and Portland until finding his home in Camp Sherman.
He spent 12 years working in executive management in long term care industry, most of it in San Diego, before shifting gears to be a stay at home dad to 3 adventurous little girls.
He is excited to be living in Camp Sherman and contributing to the school and community. His interests include fishing, mountain biking, international travel and camping with his family.