Week 8 Classroom News

Hello Families! Read on for news and reminders. Whole School: School picture order forms are DUE this week with payment! Oct. 26-27 – Conferences: No school for students, but please make sure they attend the conference with you. Oct. 31st – Halloween...

Week 7 Classroom News

Hello Families! From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us Bebop (2nd/3rd) math class: Hey folks, Bebop math has been so much fun lately.  We are learning many strategies for multiplying and some of us are even starting to get some of the multiplication chart...

Bond Design & Construction Team

BBSD chooses architecture and CM/GC firms for bond project Black Butte School District is thrilled to announce the hiring of SAJ Architecture and Griffin Construction for our Bond project. For two weeks in September the BBSD Bond Committee met with David McKay and...

Week 6 Classroom News

Hello Families! Read on for news and reminders. Whole School: Reminder, there is no school this Friday 10/13. Monday 10/16: Afternoon field trip at Seed To Table. School Picture order forms will be coming home with your student on Thursday 10/12. Please fill out the...

Week 5 Classroom News

Hello Families, Welcome to the new BBS Blog! Whole School: Field Trip Update: A Smith Rock hike is planned for this Friday, 10/6. The forecast looks great; please make sure students are prepared with extra water and good hiking/walking shoes (NO crocs)!  Hearing...

Oregon Battle of the Books!

Update from Ms. Lindsey: overstreet@blackbutte.k12.or.us Today I announced to the students in 3rd through 8th grade that BBS will be participating in Oregon Battle of the Books. This is a statewide team reading competition with a regional tournament in March. The...
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