24-25: Week 22 Classroom News

Hello Families, The upper grade class will be hosting an Italian Dinner at the Community Hall on March 18th. This is a fundraiser for their San Francisco trip. See all details here! Conferences are currently being scheduled – keep an eye out for information from...

Italian Dinner Fundraiser

What: Three Course Italian Dinner hosted by BBS students When: Tuesday March 18th at 6pm Where: Camp Sherman Community Hall Why: To fundraise for the end of year trip to San Francisco! (More info below) RSVP: To reserve your ticket, please fill out this reservation...

24-25: Week 21 Classroom News

Hello Families, Construction continues to wrap up and there are lots of small things yet to be finished. We hope to be using our new commons for lunch in the next couple weeks. If you haven’t already filled out this Family Survey (not the community survey, which...

24-25: Week 20 Classroom News

Hello Families, It’s been a big week for BBS! We received our Certificate of Occupancy and the Administrators got to move into their new classroom on Monday. Photo above shows students  carrying their belongings from the trailer to the new building. See this...

5th-8th move into new classroom!

Today is the day! Upper grade students (5th-8th) and their teacher Ms. Steele have been waiting a LONG time for this day to arrive. The 7 students who started in September began the year in a temporary classroom in the District Office (aka Bus Barn). Then with the...

24-25: Week 19 Classroom News

Hello Families, The sun of last week has given way to snow! It’s beautiful and also requires that kids come to school with the proper gear. Please make sure your student(s) bring a jacket every day. While the construction crew finishes up their final work in the...
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