Week 13 Classroom News

Hello Families, We’re in the final two weeks of the term! If you’re curious about the progress on our Bond Project, read this blog post and come to the Community Meeting next week on Dec. 12th. Whole School: “Community in Winter” Performance is...

Invitation to Community Meeting

December 12, 2023 at 5:00pm Black Butte School District is hosting a Community Meeting for the public to hear about the progress of our Bond Project. Jonah Jensen, Principal Architect at SAJ Architecture will share details of what the remodel will include, an overview...

Bond Update December 2023

The Black Butte School Bond Project is well under way with a lot happening behind the scenes. Jonah Jensen, Principal Architect, at SAJ Architecture has been leading bi-monthly Owner-Architect-Contractor (OAC) meetings since October with his SAJ team (including Lee...

Week 12 Classroom News

Hello Families, Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break! We had an exciting day today with the Firebusters Party. See photos and video in this blog post. Whole School: Please support your students in memorizing their lines for the Winter Performance!  Student bazaar...

Firebusters Party

Students were treated to a BIG surprise today when teachers announced that they were the grand prize winners of the Firebusters Program!  The prize included a party with a pizza lunch for all staff and students, multiple emergency vehicles on site for them to tour, a...
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