Hello Families,

Thank you all for supporting your student in the Winter Performance! They did an amazing job and it was great to have everyone come together as a community for Community in Winter. 🙂

Whole School:

    From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    • Bebop (2nd/3rd) Math: Bebop mathematicians are still working hard on subtracting with regrouping and learning the multiplication facts.  Yesterday was super fun because we were working on the fours and they all know the strategy of double double.  So I said, if they know that strategy so well, why don’t we multiply 4 x 2,462.  And they all nailed it.  No calculators were used in this experiment.  
    • Hodag (4th-8th) Math: In Hodag math we just finished a unit, took a unit test, are working on test corrections and completed the second step of a mart (math/art) project.  Everyone is heading into a new topic, either fractions or equations.  Ask your student about what they are learning.  I am super curious about what they would say.  I am sure there will be some regression over the winter break about these new topics, so we will hit them again come January.

    From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    • K/1 Math class: 1st grade students have been working on adding 3 numbers. They are using 10 friends and doubles to help find easy ways to add the numbers. Kinder students have been working on starting with a number and finding the other number to make 10. On Friday we will send home work from their star work folder. This is work they have completed since conferences. You might wonder, why so many worksheets? This allows me to differentiate the class and have students focus on individualized skills.  Please take time over break to look through their work. 
    • K-3 Social Studies: In our economy unit we learned the word budget and how to make a basic budget. Students worked together to make a basic weekly budget in which they found ways to have an income (lemonade stand, chores, yard work) and how they would like to spend or save money. Ask your student how they found ways to make money and where and on what they would like to spend their money. We also discussed ways to find gifts or get new things without spending money (thrift stores, making gifts, hand-downs from friends/family). Look for a special holiday craft coming home Friday.

    From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us

                                Mr. B
                             is looking
                          forward to hot
                     cocoa on pajama day.
             He plans on showing a version
      of Dickens’ classic, A Christmas Carol
    (he may even DJ a holiday dance party
                          for his literacy
                            S  T  A  N  D


    From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    We are on the last few days of our fall term. After an exciting week of rehearsals and performing, we got back to the classroom and our normal routines this week.

    • Humanities class:  The students are writing interpretive essays about the book M.C. Higgins the Great. This has been very challenging work for the students but they are showing great perseverance as they work on their papers. After a lot of discussion and thought they are coming up with great ideas and trying to express themselves in writing. Their papers are due Friday so they have a two more days to finish them up. 
    • Field Study class: The students are completing their science experiment using the weather station. This project has provided a chance to think like a scientist. These projects are also due Friday so there is still some important work to complete by the end of the week. The plan is to then have a fun Friday afternoon once our work is all complete.

    Have a great break everyone! I hope it is a time of connection for the students. I will look forward to seeing them all back at BBS on January 3rd! Cheers.

    From Ms. Sharp: jsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    • Performing Arts class: This week we are reflecting on the amazing job the students did on the performance. Yesterday they identified a Rose (something that went well), a Thorn (something they hoped would have been different), and a Bud (new growth/something that they learned). I am so proud of all the work they did! Thank you to all the family members who supported them to do this hard task. 

    From Ms. Lindsey: overstreet@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    • Rachel from the KIDS Center taught BBS students about how to protect themselves online or when using technology as the second portion of our SafetyNet training program. Be sure to ask your child what they learned from this presentation; perhaps they can teach you something new about how to keep yourself safe online or when using technology! (See photo below).
    • Oregon Battle of the Books Winter Break
      BBS students in grades 3rd through 8th are eligible to take part in Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB), which is a statewide student reading competition we are participating in for the first time! We will have at least two teams: 3rd-5th grade and 6-8th grade. If you have a student in one of the eligible grades, please encourage them to participate! Each team will work to read and be familiar with the books assigned to their age bracket (not every student has to read every book).
      Over Winter Break please help your student get started on reading (or listening!) to the books so we can come back in January and prepare for the tournaments, which will take place March 5th and March 9th. If you are traveling over break, audiobooks can be a great way to entertain your student and get them ready to participate in OBOB!
    Get the OBOB books (3-5 List here & 6-8 List here):
    1. Check out books from BBS library before Winter Break
    2. Check out books from Deschutes County Library
    3. Use the Libby or Hoopla apps connected to your Deschutes County Library account
    4. Check Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible apps
    Community in Winter was a huge success!
    Bebop Math
    Students receive SafetyNET training from Rachel Visser
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