Hello Families,

The Black Butte Hike was a big success and everyone made it to the top! Another field trip is scheduled for Friday, this time at Suttle Lake. Read on for more news & updates.

Whole School:

  • Thurs Oct. 3 – Picture Day: Weather looks great tomorrow!
  • Friday Oct. 4 – Suttle Lake Hike: Make sure students are dressed in layers – prepare for a COLD morning and possibly windy afternoon. Don’t forget a water bottle and extra food.

From Ms. Steele: ssteele@blackbutte.k12.or.us

  • 5th-7th Class:
    • The upper grade students (named the Administrators) just completed a poster showing off their chosen national park’s 5 themes of geography.  Somebody in class looked farther afield and found a national park in Denmark.  We will wrap up geography this week, moving on next week to start talking about the United States political system.
    • In literacy we are continuing to talk about what makes a strong reader and just started writing in our literacy notebooks.  In our efforts to grow our executive functioning brain we “concentrated” for 10 minutes yesterday and put a list of words in alphabetical order.  Everyone rocked that no problem.
    • Remember that there is homework due on Friday 10/4 and the memorization assignment is due on Thursday 10/10.  Have a great rest of the week.

From Ms. Kassie: kdemarsh@blackbutte.k12.or.us

  • K-1 Literacy & Math: In kindergarten literacy we have been working on isolating first sounds and finding other words that match those sounds (Soap, silly, and seal go together but fox doesn’t). We are also working on putting sounds together (/m/+ /ug/ = mug). In 1st grade literacy we are working on knowing the short and long vowel sounds. There are hand motions that go along with them to help them remember. In Kindergarten math we are working on counting and sorting. In first grade math we are doing basic addition and subtraction stories, as well as working on understanding the meaning of equals.

⇒ Work and Play to try at home – Just some fun ways we are playing at school that you are welcome to try at home. 

      • Have first grade students show you all the vowel sounds and hand motions they know.

      • Have kindergarten students find items that start with the /f/ or /s/ sounds. 

      • Play with getting more and less of something and have first grade students tell you the equation or have kindergarten students count how many. 

    • K-2 Science: We have been working hard as zoologists. We have learned about animals with special abilities such as echolocation, animals who migrate, and animals that go through metamorphosis. We have played games to help us understand these special traits. Students will be working on metamorphosis cycles and bringing them home to wrap up the unit next week.

    From Mr. B: ebarrons@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    Hello October!

    Mr. B is pretty pleased with how Bebop is settling into routines and meeting (most) expectations around a new room and having the same teacher all morning long!!

    • 2nd-4th Class
      • In math, the Beboppers have extended their time awareness to incorporate quarter past and quarter till, finding that measuring rectangles is different from measuring trapezoids, hexagons, and triangles when considering words like length and width and completed their first weather graph. They will finish the week on some manipulative work with pattern blocks. 
      • In literacy, students began their new unit of study: celebrating traditions. To kick off this, they are doing an author/illustrator study of Patricia Polacco. Beboppers are reading her fantastic The Keeping Quilt and will have comprehension, vocabulary and phonics woven into their work time.
      • Purple folders will be in your student’s backpack starting Monday!

    From Mr. Sharp: dsharp@blackbutte.k12.or.us

    • Field Studies: We have been diving into our unit on birds this week. Students are learning some of the common birds in the area and documenting their sightings. This past week we have seen Bald Eagle, Steller’s Jay, unknown Falcons, Clark’s Nutcrackers, Wild Turkeys, Dark-Eyed Junco, and several LBBs (little brown birds). We will continue our hunt for more species on Friday at Suttle Lake. Hopefully we get some good duck sightings. We also did a field studies class at Lake Creek Lodge where we continued to monitor the beaver habitat restoration site.

    • PE: In P.E. class we have been working on ball skills with several games. We have also tried out jump ropes, flower sticks, volleyball, and jogging. We will spend a little time on volleyball and then soccer in the next month.
    Many snack breaks on the BB hike
    Made it to the top!

    At the trailhead

    Recording data during Field Studies class: monitoring a beaver restoration site at Lake Creek Lodge
    Ms. Steele's class
    Mr. B's literacy class
    Upper grader National Park poster project
    Upper grader National Park poster project
    Upper grader National Park poster project
    Mr. B is getting used to his new classroom
    At the summit of Black Butte
    First day of ceramics class with Ms. Nina
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