Hello Families,
The 2025 Ski & Ride season ended on a beautiful blue sky day and all students showed their growth & skills on a group run down Blue Valley. Thank you parents for supporting your students during this program and for celebrating the last day! AND thanks to the PTO for providing the pizza lunch.
With construction now (mostly) complete, we have space again for a school counselor! Rachel O’Connor has been hired and will be joining the BBS team starting next week. More info coming soon.
The 4th-8th graders will be hosting an Italian Dinner at the Community Hall next week March 18th. This is a fundraiser for their San Francisco trip and few seats are still available. Spread the word to your neighbors and friends! See all details here.
Read on for news & updates.
All School News
Important Dates & Reminders
- Mar 12 Art Club: Last music class with Ms. Sue at the Community Hall from 1:30-3pm
- Mar 13-14: NO SCHOOL – Conferences
- Mar 18: PTO Meeting 3:15pm
- Mar 18: Italian Dinner Fundraiser at Community Hall – RSVP & info here
- Mar 24-28: NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
- Mar 31: NO SCHOOL – Teacher Work Day
- Apr 4: Swim Program begins. Students have surely grown and may not fit their old swimsuits. Please check their sizes before the program begins!
- Upcoming Community Events in Sisters – scroll to bottom for more info!
Update from Ms. Steele
Administrators (5th-8th)
Hello Parents, Family and Friends,
This past week and into early next week we are focusing on preparing for the fundraiser. Speaking of which, students need to be at the Community Hall in Camp Sherman at 4:30 on Tuesday 3/18. They will get a lesson on how to serve food, restaurant style and then get fed pizza before going to work. Everyone needs to have a way to contain their hair on both Monday (when we prep for soup and salad making) and Tuesday (when they become accomplished waitstaff)!
On the academic side of things, everyone is working their way through a short review unit on all things fractions. I am pretty impressed by what everyone remembers about the dreaded fractions. The 7th and 8th grade students are also reviewing rates, ratios and proportions.
During Social Studies the students made a jeopardy game about the history of Judaism. The questions were challenging and fun. We have been practicing writing topic sentences and I really enjoyed the sample paragraphs the students turned in. Impressive.
Can’t wait to see you all at conferences.
Update from Ms. Kassie
K-1 Literacy & Math
In literacy we are working on the Schwa sound. It is one of the ways to try to explain when things don’t follow the rules, like in wagon the o doesn’t make a short or long o sound or in zebra the same is true with the a.
In math we are working on place value thinking about 10s and 1s.
K-1 Literacy and Math Work and Play to try at home
Literacy – With spring break around the corner, students pick out some new books to try to read or review some of the paper books that have been sent home. The library is a great resource for some new books!
Remember the Jefferson Co. library is making a visit to the community hall next Tuesday 11:00am – 12:30pm. You can return library books, pick up books on hold, and sign up for library cards. Contact Star (star@jcld.org) to sign up for holds delivery in Camp Sherman.
Math- using dimes and pennies are a great way to think about 10s and 1s. Have students count up old change lying around!
K-2 Science
In our social science civics unit we have been talking about what makes a good leader. The students identified Ski Patrol as leaders in the Hoodoo Community, so I was able to get a visitor in our class today from Hoodoo Ski Patrol. Ask your student what they learned about being a good leader and working as part of a team to help the whole community.
Update from Mr. B
BeBop Literacy & Math (2nd-4th)
Bebop has spent the week prepping for conferences, completing prior work, checking understanding on cumulative reviews (in both math and literacy) and started two portfolio entries showcasing their current learning levels.
Art Literacy
In art literacy, all students completed a still life sketch to flex their line, 2D shape and 3D form studies.
Update from Mr. Sharp
Field Studies (3rd-8th)
We are about ⅔ of the way through the school year and nearing the end of our winter season. We are gearing up for conferences this week and excited to see families in person. We then have one more full week before we are off for a week of spring break.
In Field Studies we are wrapping up our lessons on electronics and the basics of coding. We have purchased some small robots called Alvik. We are next going to spend a few weeks learning how to program the robots and make them do a variety of simple tasks. This unit will extend beyond spring break into April.
Health Class
In Health class the older students are still learning about social and emotional health. We have been having lively discussions about managing stress, making friends, dealing with bullying, finding motivation and many other tangents. We watched the film Happy this past week which explores the science behind happiness. Students learned many practical ideas to improve their own level of happiness. The younger students are also learning about emotions. We discussed this week how to recognize other people’s emotions and how to manage our own.

All BBS students took a run together down Blue Valley on the last day of Ski & Ride. 2025 was a great season!

Hoodoo instructors received thank you cards and gifts from students

THANK YOU PTO for the pizza party!

The commons is finished! Students eat lunch together every day

Ms. Liz substitutes in the Bebop class

Maelynn reads to K-1 during snack

Reading time in Ms. Kassie's literacy class

Hoodoo Ski Patrol talked to K-2 in Ms. Kassie's social science class

The forts are getting bigger and bigger!

FREE event at The Belfry
3 BBS students are in the play!