Hello Families,

The upper grade class will be hosting an Italian Dinner at the Community Hall on March 18th. This is a fundraiser for their San Francisco trip. See all details here!

Conferences are currently being scheduled – keep an eye out for information from your child’s teacher and make sure you get one scheduled.

Read on for news & updates.

      All School News

      Important Dates & Reminders
      • Feb 25: Family Survey due
      • Feb 26 Art Club: Music with Ms. Sue at the Community Hall from 1:30-3pm
      • Feb 28: Ski & Ride at Hoodoo
      • Upcoming Community Events in Sisters – scroll to bottom for more info!

      Update from Ms. Steele

      Administrators (5th-8th)

      The Administrators are currently working on:

      1. Ancient Empires — Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian and Phoenician
      2. Creating a Culture with a partner
      3. Continuing to read Scat and Life of Pi
      4. Factors and Prime Factorization – learn those times tables
      5. And catching a ball 100 times in a row – today was the 100th day of school

      Important dates:

      3/13-14: Conferences – Reach out if you need a time slot.  I have 1/2 hour slots available Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

      3/17-18:  Preparation for the San Francisco fundraiser.  Please don’t be absent these days.  Please be prepared to help out at the Community Hall the evening of 3/18.

      Update from Ms. Kassie

      K-1 Literacy & Math

      TODAY IS THE 100th DAY OF SCHOOL! We have been working on adding straws to our ones cup and tens cup to represent how many days of school we’ve had (and to help understand place value). Today we got to put all the straws together to make 10 groups of 10 and put them together into the hundreds cup. See picture below.

      In literacy we have been working with 2 syllable words, thinking about open and closed syllables. This will help us to know if it is a short or long vowel. This week we have also started to learn about R-controlled vowels. We learned about /or/ like in fork. 

      In math we have been learning about true and false equations. 

      • K-1 Literacy and Math Work and Play to try at home 
        • Literacy- Have students work on finding bigger words they can read around them by using “whale” talk to find the number of syllables. Then see if the vowel is long, short, or R controlled. 
        • Math- Have students show you how to play the equals game. 
      K-2 Science

      In science we have changed to a social science unit- civics. Our big question for the unit is, “How do we create a fair and just community?” This week we have been learning about being a citizen, our rights and our responsibilities.

      Update from Mr. B

      BeBop Literacy & Math (2nd-4th)

      Bebop has been busy with maximums, minimums, range, mean, median and mode as well as dabbling into the wet world of fluid ounces (cups, pints, quarts and gallons!) as well as counting by 8’s. In literacy, they are writing responses to comprehension questions in cursive, completing a reading diagnostic, and celebrating the 100th day of school with a free write journal entry. Impressive!

      Art Literacy

      In art literacy, both classes are exploring how artists use overlap to show a sense of depth! (See overlap example below)

      Update from Mr. Sharp

      Field Studies (3rd-8th)

      We survived the intense rain this weekend and are back to enjoying sunny skies on the playground. Some students are seeming eager for some warmer weather which appear to be coming our way for Ski and Ride this week. We continue to work through final items on the remodel punch list and are now organizing and setting up our commons room. 

      In Field Study class we shifted our focus slightly this week from programming with circuits and LEDs to building robots. Next week students will design a sports robot which can kick and throw a ball. Students are also working on our yearbook this week. 

      Health Class

       In Health class the upper grades began lessons on social and emotional health. Our lower grades class is learning about talking, listening, and communication skills.

      Gathering sticks for fort building

      Recess in the sun

      How many BBS students can fit on the nest swing??
      Gavin reads to K/1 during snack
      100th Day of School!

      100th Day of School!

      Student of the Day Everett with 100 straws in the hundreds cup
      Mr. B example of overlap in art

      Comfy spot to read

      Administrator classroom is fully decorated
      We said goodbye to the bathroom trailer!

      Today is Simon's last day! He will be missed and we are lucky to have Jane now taking the reins

      FREE event at SES

      Learn about STEM careers,  STEM activities, and meet our partners and educators that have built our robotics and environmental science program.

      FREE event at The Belfry

      All ages – family fun!

      Feb 28 | 6:00pm-8:30pm

      Donations accepted to benefit

      The Outlaws Strings Club

      FREE event at The Belfry

      3 BBS students are in the play!

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