Hello Families,
The sun of last week has given way to snow! It’s beautiful and also requires that kids come to school with the proper gear. Please make sure your student(s) bring a jacket every day.
While the construction crew finishes up their final work in the commons and library next week, BBS will still be able to move in and use the new classroom and bathrooms. We’re all thrilled, but none more so than Ms. Steele!! 😉
Read on for news & updates.
All School News
Important Dates & Reminders
- Feb 5 Art Club: Music with Ms. Sue at the Community Hall from 1:30-3pm
- Feb 7: Ski & Ride at Hoodoo. Finally with fresh snow!
- Feb 10: Students & staff will be able to use the new classroom & bathrooms beginning Monday! The commons and library will be blocked off as the final work continues in those areas next week.
- Feb 11: “Community Connections” 10:00-11:30am at the Community Hall. Join the upper grade class for a fun morning of games and snacks, a way to combat loneliness in winter. All are welcome!
Update from Ms. Steele
Administrators (5th-8th)
Hello Parents and Friends of the Administrators:
There is a lot happening in our world! We are hosting a “community connections” event at the Camp Sherman Community Hall on Tuesday February 11th. This is our official launch to community service activities, specifically engaging with the people of Camp Sherman to combat loneliness. Feel free to join us, from 10:00 to 11:30.
Also, our time in the trailer is coming to an end. Good bye to small spaces and bumping into each other. Everyone has been so amazingly patient and now we get to move into a wonderful BIG space.
We just finished our journalism articles and moved on to writing fairy tales. I have seen a copy of everyone’s rough drafts and they look great. We will peer edit them tomorrow. Look for a retold fairy tale in future blog posts.
Poor math, it’s hard to follow the fun of creating and writing stories. But, math must be learned as well. We are also starting a “create your own” culture project next week. This will be a group effort!
Last, don’t forget to continue reading Scat or The Life of Pi. Scat reading (chapters 8 – 12) and accompanying packet are due on Tuesday Feb 18th.
Life of Pi students, I will chat with you tomorrow.
Joy, Ms. Steele
Update from Ms. Kassie
K-1 Literacy & Math
In literacy we are starting to read 2 syllable words! We are working to see how many vowels there are and if they are separate from each other. If so, it usually means that there are closed syllables and we can sound them out like smaller words. (fan-tas-tic)
In math all students are working on compare problems. There are 19 turtles and 12 fish. How many fewer fish are there?
K-1 Literacy and Math Work and Play to try at home
- Literacy- Have students work on finding bigger words they can read around them by using “whale” talk to find the number of syllables.
- Math- Do compare problems around you using words like more and fewer. Example- there are 6 more apples than pears. There are 12 pears. How many apples are there?
K-2 Science
We are working to understand light and how it moves. Ask students about how we see objects that are not a source of light. (The answer- the light bounces off the object and reflects back to our eyes in a straight line.)
Update from Mr. B
BeBop Literacy & Math (2nd-4th)
Beboppers have been dabbling with estimation, averages, prediction and fractional amounts. They are getting better at translating their printed work into cursive, reviewing vowel teams and earlier in the week students wrote stories that all seemed to involve stealing Mr. B’s candy!
Art Literacy (3rd-8th)
In art literacy, both classes are exploring how art “talks” with line and shape.
Update from Mr. Sharp
Field Studies (3rd-8th)
I am back after a brief hiatus due to an illness last week. Thanks to Ms. Kirstin, Ms. Liz, and Ms. Jennie for stepping up and covering teaching duties in the past week. Hopefully BBS can get past the sick stage of winter and get back to work.
In Field Study we are continuing to learn about electronics and circuits. Students spent time this week building a traffic light circuit with red, yellow, and green LEDs. They then had to program their lights to function like a traffic light. They are learning to code and “communicate” with electronic devices. There has been lots of troubleshooting and problem solving when things don’t quite work correctly the first time. What a valuable life-long skill.
Health Class

Sun last week ...

... snow this week!

K-1 literacy

Sewing felted hearts for Valentines

K-1 literacy

Learning to code in field studies

Learning to code in field studies

K-2 Social Science

K-2 social science

Art Literacy